Police arrest 8 minors for firebombing a high school, then arrest parents for negligence; no injuries or damage - iefimerida.gr

Police arrest 8 minors for firebombing a high school, then arrest parents for negligence; no injuries or damage

Περιπολικό της ΕΛ.ΑΣ
Περιπολικό της ΕΛ.ΑΣ. / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi

Eight minors, 16 years old, were arrested by police after attacking a high school in the Moschato southwest suburb of Athens with firebombs on Thursday.

According to Greek police, around 14:00 the group threw 3 firebombs in the courtyard of the 2nd High School of Moschato and ran away. Of the three firebombs, only one exploded, without injuring anyone or creating damage. The minors were arrested by the police's motorcycle unit (Dias) and taken to the suburb's police station.

In addition, police also arrested their parents, for negligence in a minor's supervision. The minors were expected to be led before a prosecutor.

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