Police on alert ahead of Friday's Tempi tragedy commemorative protests - iefimerida.gr

Police on alert ahead of Friday's Tempi tragedy commemorative protests

Police on alert ahead of Friday's Tempi tragedy commemorative protests
Police on alert ahead of Friday's Tempi tragedy commemorative protests /Credits: Eurokinissi

The police will be on alert from Thursday across Greece and especially in Athens, Thessaloniki, and other major cities in anticipation of the rallies to be held on Friday on the two-year anniversary of the Tempi railway tragedy.

In Athens, where a large turnout is expected at the rally to be held at Syntagma Square, security measures will be particularly heightened. In particular, more than 5,000 police officers will be on standby. At the same time, the police helicopter will be flying, as well as drones, which will give a picture to the operations centre of the General Police Directorate of Attica. The police's water spraying vehicles, the "Aiants," will also be on standby. From the morning, preventive checks will be carried out in the centre of Athens. In addition, policemen and policewomen will be in plain clothes among the people gathered in order to isolate in time those who attempt to cause incidents.

As announced, on Friday there will be emergency traffic regulations from early in the morning in the wider area of Athens.

The police appeal to drivers to avoid additional traffic problems, to avoid crossing and parking their vehicles on the road network of the wider Athens city centre, and to follow the instructions of the traffic police.

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