PM Mitsotakis holds bilateral meetings with leaders of Gulf Cooperation Council countries in Brussels -

PM Mitsotakis holds bilateral meetings with leaders of Gulf Cooperation Council countries in Brussels

Mitsotakis meetings
Credits: Eurokinissi/ Dimitris Papamitsos

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis held a series of bilateral meetings with leaders of Arab states in the framework of the First EU-Gulf Cooperation Council summit.

Mitsotakis specifically met in Brussels with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani; Kuwait's Prime Minister, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah; and Oman's Deputy Prime Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Affairs, Sheikh Sayyid Asaad bin Tarik.

According to government sources, during the meetings, the Greek prime minister underlined the importance of promoting EU-Gulf Cooperation Council relations, particularly during this time of great regional challenges.

Relating to developments in the Middle East, Mitsotakis underlined the need for deescalation and prevention of a conflagration in the wider region, and repeated his appeal for immediate ceasefire and restraint.

The government sources mentioned that also discussed during the meetings were the prospects of strengthening economic cooperation and the investment opportunities in Greece, with a focus on Greece's geographical location as a trade and energy hub, and gateway to Europe.

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