PM Mitsotakis expresses condolences on the passing of Vasso Papandreou -

PM Mitsotakis expresses condolences on the passing of Vasso Papandreou

Kyriakos Mitsotakis
Kyriakos Mitsotakis /Credits: Eurokinissi

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in a social media post, commented on the passing of Vasso Papandreou.

"I was saddened to learn of the loss of Vasso Papandreou. Although we found ourselves on opposing sides, I must acknowledge that she was a strong personality. She held many governmental and parliamentary positions, leaving her mark on the European political scene as our country’s Commissioner. She will be remembered with the dedication of her friends and the respect of her opponents," Mitsotakis stated, expressing his condolences to her family.

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