PM Mitsotakis discusses bilateral relations with visiting Bulgarian President Radev -

PM Mitsotakis discusses bilateral relations with visiting Bulgarian President Radev

Χειραψία Μητσοτάκη, Ράντεφ
Τον Βούλγαρο πρωθυπουργό υποδέχτηκε στο Μαξίμου ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi, ΣΩΤΗΡΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Bulgarian President Rumen Radev reviewed bilateral relations during their meeting at the Maximos Mansion on Tuesday.

The two leaders also discussed issues of European interest, following the latest European Council, a press release from the PM's press office said.

"It’s always my pleasure to welcome my very good friend, the president of Bulgaria, to Athens and to the office of the prime minister. Welcome, Mr. President," Mitsotakis said in statements posted in English on the prime minister's web page. "Always a lot to discuss in our part of the world in the midst of important geopolitical challenges, but also an opportunity to, again, reconfirm the strategic partnership between our two countries, which I think has served both our people very well."

Radev, on his part, thanked Mitsotakis for the invitation, saying, "I do believe that our strategic partnership builds an axis of strategic cooperation. Everything we do between Greece and Bulgaria reflects the security and stability of our region. So thank you so much."

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