PM Mitsotakis attends signing of Athens Riviera Urban Walk construction contract -

PM Mitsotakis attends signing of Athens Riviera Urban Walk construction contract

 PM Mitsotakis attends signing of Athens Riviera Urban Walk construction contract
PM Mitsotakis attends signing of Athens Riviera Urban Walk construction contract

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis attended the signing ceremony for the construction contract of the “Athens Riviera Urban Walk” at the Alimos Municipal Cinema on Monday evening.

"This idea seemed very obvious at the time. Is it possible to have this unique coastal front and not have a way to cross from one end to the other? Perhaps we did not realize the very great difficulties we had to overcome, so that the project could turn from an idea into a project with funding and implementation schedule," Mitsotakis said, stressing that the project will be ready by the end of 2025.

"I read an article in the Financial Times about the Athens Riviera. Indeed, the development footprint is very important and not at the expense of local communities,"Mitsotakis noted.

He pointed out that “Hellinikon” is a project that the government inherited as an idea and is now in the implementation phase. "We want to be sure that development will not be at the expense of the area's residents," he emphasized.

Mitsotakis also spoke about the importance of the project for the quality of life in all coastal municipalities. "We need more bike lanes and sidewalks in combination with the great emphasis we place on upgrading transportation."

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