PM Mitsotakis on Alpha TV: Trump’s election marks new era; shared interests for Greece-US -

PM Mitsotakis on Alpha TV: Trump’s election marks new era; shared interests for Greece-US

Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης κατά τη συνέντευξή του στον Alpha
Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης κατά τη συνέντευξή του στον Alpha / Φωτογραφία: Γρ. Τύπου Πρωθυπουργού/Δημήτρης Παπαμήτσος

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in an interview on Alpha TV on Wednesday evening, referred to Greek-American relations.

He underlined that the election of Donald Trump marks a new era and stressed that Greece and the US have common interests and a common pace. He also noted that two US companies are already in Greece and added that Chevron may expand to other regions. On the possibility of France selling missiles to Turkey, he said he has no such information.

"The defence minister may have done it as a precautionary measure. There may have been interest from Turkey. I have not been notified of any such decision," he added. Mitsotakis also referred to the railway tragedy in Tempi. Asked whether the government was surprised by the scale of the rallies, he stressed that Greek society continues to experience the tragedy as an open wound, as a collective trauma, as a collective mourning. He emphasized the government's responsibility to provide clear answers regarding the state's actions, the role of the justice system, and the unresolved questions surrounding the incident. In response to criticism about delays in the judicial process, he said that Justice is moving at its own pace and expressed confidence that it will leave no question unanswered. He also said that the process is coming to an end and stressed that after the parents of the victims, he also wants to know the truth. Asked if there is a smuggling ring, Mitsotakis asserted that if such evidence emerges, he will be the first to ask for it. Regarding deleted footage from the freight train’s loading cameras, he confirmed that the government has fully facilitated the interrogation in all matters.

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