Plevris: The increase in Covid cases during summer will not put pressure on the national health system -

Plevris: The increase in Covid cases during summer will not put pressure on the national health system

Θάνος Πλεύρης ΕΕ υγεία πρόκληση
Ο υπουργός Υγείας Θάνος Πλεύρης / EUROKINISSI

Health Minister Thanos Plevris attended a conference of the Medical Association of Heraklion entitled "Challenges and lessons learned for Sars-CoV-2" during his tour in Crete on Saturday.

Plevris reiterated his estimates that the increase in Covid cases during the summer will not put pressure on the national health system.

Regarding the possibility of a new vaccine, the Minister of Health said that the companies are currently trying to produce a single-dose vaccine that will be received once a year. "At the moment we are not at this stage, we hope we will be as soon as possible," Plevris said.

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