"Greece remains dedicated to the fundamental principles of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) for the promotion of a safe environment for ships and seamen," underlined Shipping Minister Yiannis Plakiotakis at an EMSA conference held on 16 and 17 June in Lisbon, on the occasion of EMSA's 20th anniversary.
Plakiotakis said that it is time for EMSA to assume a more active role and to evaluate technical solutions that will safely lead shipping to independence from fossil fuels, adding that the organisation should cooperate and support the IMO's mission.
Referring to the human capital of shipping, Plakiotakis announced his intention to propose an overall revision of the national education system for maritime education, expressing his satisfaction that the IMO, understanding the demands of a new era, has also been involved in a similar revision of international shipping models.
"We must focus on the creation of the necessary leverage to attract and preserve the people in shipping and for the support of the seaman's profession and of the maritime human resources, taking into consideration the significant shortages expected in the next years," underlined Plakiotakis.