Pierrakakis: Technology is a means, not an end in itself - iefimerida.gr

Pierrakakis: Technology is a means, not an end in itself

Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης-Φωτογραφία Γιάννης Παναγόπουλος/Eurokinissi
Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης / Φωτογραφία: Γιάννης Παναγόπουλος/Eurokinissi

Technology is a means, not an end in itself, Education, Religions & Sports Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis said on Wednesday, participating in an international conference on technology in education taking place in Athens on January 17-18.

Pierrakakis, a former digital governance minister, attended the EmTech Europe hybrid event at the Athens Concert Hall organized by MIT Technology Review magazine and 'Kathimerini' newspaper. The event's title was on "Technology-Enabled ESG" (Environmental, Social, and Governance education).

Pierrakakis referred to the reforms promoted by the education ministry during a discussion with Anant Agarwal, MIT professor and founder of 2U and edX (a Harvard-MIT online learning platform), and journalist Yannis Palaiologos. Technology and demographics are the catalysts of great changes, including those in education, the minister said.

In a social media post, he noted that the reforms the ministry promotes "are focused on students and teachers. Technology is a means, not an end in itself: we are incorporating digital tools in education and placing emphasis on the development of digital skills for its optimal utilization."

Agarwal also noted in a social media post later, "Enjoyed my discussion with Greek Education Minister Pierrakakis and Kathimerini journalist Yannis Palaiologos on the future of education with AI" at the conference in "the amazing Athens Concert Hall".

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