Pierrakakis: One-person company start-ups online in five minutes via gov.gr - iefimerida.gr

Pierrakakis: One-person company start-ups online in five minutes via gov.gr

Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης / Φωτογραφία: EUROKINISSI

Digital Governance Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis on Friday announced that one-person companies can henceforth be founded online in five minutes via the gov.gr portal, in a speech to present the operation of the "National Policy for Administrative Procedures".

The minister noted that thousands of one-person businesses were founded each day, with 50,000 one-person companies founded in 2022, and this had required more than five visits and standing in line to obtain specific certificates. "These five visits have now become five minutes and the visit is now digital via gov.gr. It is another major change," he said.

Pierrakakis noted that gov.gr had started by offering just 501 services and this number now exceeded 1,500, with 1.2 billion digital transactions recorded in 2022, up from 8.8 million in 2018. He also highlighted changes made toward a more citizen-centred approach and said the goal was that, by the end of the next four-year term, all interactions with the public sector can be carried out digitally, with a very few exceptions.

Minister of State George Gerapetritis said the aim was to set up an efficient administration, in which citizens were clearly informed and guided regarding the process they must follow.

The event was also addressed by Development and Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis and AADE governor Giorgos Pitsilis.

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