New Poll: Pasok Secures Second Place Ahead of Syriza, But ND Strong Lead -

New Poll: Pasok Secures Second Place Ahead of Syriza, But ND Strong Lead

New Poll
New Poll

A new Pulse survey for Skai TV places PASOK in a solid second position ahead of SYRIZA, though New Democracy maintains a dominant lead.

According to the poll, New Democracy holds 24% of voter support, giving them a significant 11-point advantage over PASOK, which stands at 13%.

Syriza trails behind in third with 10%, followed by the Communist Party (KKE) at 8% and the nationalist party Greek Solution at 7.5%.

The left-wing Course of Freedom polled at 4%, with religious nationalist Niki and nationalist Voice of Reason both at 3.5%.

The survey also offers insights into Pasok’s internal leadership elections. Current party president Nikos Androulakis leads the race with 27% of Pasok voters’ support. Former minister and EU commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou and Athens Mayor Haris Doukas are tied at 22% each. Pavlos Geroulanos, a former minister, follows with 16%, while MPs Michalis Katrinis and Nadia Giannakopoulou garner 4% and 3%, respectively.

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