PASOK-KINAL leader visits Peristeri, calls for action to alleviate cost-of-living crisis -

PASOK-KINAL leader visits Peristeri, calls for action to alleviate cost-of-living crisis

Ο Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης στο συνέδριο του ΠΑΣΟΚ-ΚΙΝΑΛ
Ο Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης στο συνέδριο του ΠΑΣΟΚ-ΚΙΝΑΛ

Opposition PASOK-KINAL President Nikos Androulakis on Monday visited the Athens district of Peristeri and spoke with local residents and shop owners concerning the wave of high prices that is causing many to struggle to make ends meet.

"The holistic philosophical searchings by [Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis] cannot hide the truth. The cost of living for millions of Greek citizens is no longer bearable," Androulakis said, noting that prices for energy were soaring once again, with Greece "well above the EU average in terms of price hikes and inflation," and with "the cost of living rising sharply due to high rents and private spending on health."

He repeated proposals for a ceiling on retail energy prices, lower VAT on basic goods and the use of European funds to help Greece acquire a resilient economy and society.

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