PASOK-KINAL leader to keep seat in 1st Thessaloniki electoral district -

PASOK-KINAL leader to keep seat in 1st Thessaloniki electoral district

ΠΑΣΟΚ: Δεν ήταν συγκυριακή η άνοδος, είμαστε δεύτερο κόμμα σε πέντε περιφέρειες
ΠΑΣΟΚ: Δεν ήταν συγκυριακή η άνοδος / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi-ΒΕΡΒΕΡΙΔΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ

The leader of the opposition PASOK-Movement for Change party, Nikos Androulakis is to keep the seat he won in the 1st Thessaloniki electoral district, his office announced on Saturday.

The announcement thanked Haris Kastanidis and the other candidates in that district for their efforts and also announced that an office for the party's president will be set up in Thessaloniki.

Androulakis intends to propose Odysseas Konstantinopoulos for 5th vice-president of Parliament and Manolis Christodoulakis for Secretary to the Parliament presidium, the announcement added.

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