Parliamentary Committee Approves New Education Bill -

Parliamentary Committee Approves New Education Bill

Βουλή, έδρανα
Φωτογραφία αρχείου: EUROKINISSI

The Parliamentary Committee on Educational Affairs has approved a new bill from the Ministry of Education focusing on the creation of a Digital Educational Portal and a Digital Tutoring System, introducing career guidance in secondary schools, and supporting the educational system in remote areas.

The bill was supported by lawmakers of the ruling New Democracy party. Opposition parties, including Syriza, Pasok and other withheld their final judgement until the plenary session. The Communist Party of Greece, New Left, and Niki voted against the bill.


Deputy Education Minister Ioanna Lytrivi addressed concerns that digital learning might replace traditional in-person classes.

She emphasised that face-to-face education is superior and assured that digital tools are meant to complement, not replace, traditional learning.

Ms. Lytrivi highlighted that digital resources were crucial during the pandemic to keep children engaged in education.

The bill includes provisions for free digital tutoring and career guidance, with all platforms accessible to people with disabilities. The project is supported by €15 million in European funding over four years.

Still, several stakeholders expressed concerns.

The president of the Greek Federation of Secondary Education State School Teachers (OLME), Theodoros Tsouchlos, supported the digital tutoring but expressed concern about the potential overuse of tele-learning.

He stressed that digital education should remain a public sector responsibility, supported by public counsellors, psychologists, and social workers.


Spiros Marinis, president of the Greek Primary Teachers’ Federation (DOE), opposed the bill, accusing the Ministry of ignoring teachers' proposals and promoting the commercialization of education.

He called for fully staffed schools and criticised the bill for not addressing critical infrastructure needs.

Giannis Fasoulakis, president of the Federation of Special Education Staff (POSEEPEA), stressed the need for permanent staff and proper student transportation.

Yiannis Limvaios from the National Confederation of Disabled People (ESAmeA) praised the initiative but highlightedthe importance of ensuring complete accessibility for people with disabilities.

Other representatives expressed mixed views but acknowledged the potential benefits of the digital platform for career guidance and education quality.

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