Parliament Officer Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges -

Parliament Officer Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

The Parliament building
The Parliament building / EUROKINISSI

A 38-year-old police officer serving in the Greek Parliament has been arrested on charges of threatening his ex-wife.

The arrest follows a complaint filed by the woman, who alleged that the officer made threats against her over the phone.

She also reportedly testified that the officer physically assaulted her in 2019, causing injuries, while they were still married. Although she declined to be transferred to a shelter, she agreed to have a "panic button" app installed on her phone for safety.

The officer has been placed on administrative leave pending further investigation. This incident marks the second case of domestic violence involving a Parliament officer in recent months. Last November, another officer was arrested on charges of raping his wife and children.

These cases raise serious concerns about domestic violence within the ranks of the Greek police and highlight the need for greater awareness and accountability. Authorities are continuing to investigate the latest incident and provide support to the victim.

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