Parliament Approves Education Ministry's Bill on Digital Education and Support for Remote Areas -

Parliament Approves Education Ministry's Bill on Digital Education and Support for Remote Areas


The Greek Parliament has passed the Ministry of Education and Sports' new bill aimed at modernizing the education system. The bill focuses on introducing a digital educational platform and tutorial services, providing career guidance for secondary school students, and supporting schools in remote areas.

The bill received support from the New Democracy (ND) party MPs, while the opposition parties voted against it. The Ministry of Education made several amendments during the legislative process, incorporating suggestions from various stakeholders.

The digital platform and tutorial services are expected to enhance learning experiences and provide personalized support to students. Career guidance initiatives will help students make informed decisions about their future paths. The bill also addresses the challenges faced by schools in remote areas, ensuring they have adequate support and resources.

The Greek government's move to embrace digital education and support remote areas is seen as a significant step towards a more inclusive and modern educational environment in the country.

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