PARIS 2024: Greek delegation leads nautical parade with first vessel -

PARIS 2024: Greek delegation leads nautical parade with first vessel

 PARIS 2024: Greek delegation leads nautical parade with first vessel
PARIS 2024: Greek delegation leads nautical parade with first vessel

Floating parade for the opening of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, started from the Austerlitz Bridge at 20:30 on Friday evening. The first vessel in the nautical parade was Greece's, with flag bearers Giannis Antetokounmpo and Antigoni Drisbioti.

Greek athletes held Greek flags in their hands. Greece's vessel passed under the Austerlitz Bridge around 20:40, when a wall of water cascading down from the bridge opened, allowing passage for this vessel. It was the first of 85 vessels carrying more than 6,500 athletes to Trocadero. On the bridge located in the eastern part of Paris, the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together" is displayed.

Following the vessel carrying the Greek delegation was the refugee team, which in Paris counts 37 members. The other delegations followed alphabetically.

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