Paragliding Instructor Killed in Tragic Accident in Northern Greece -

Paragliding Instructor Killed in Tragic Accident in Northern Greece

Paragliding Instructor Killed in Tragic Accident in Northern Greece
Paragliding Instructor Killed in Tragic Accident in Northern Greece

A 33-year-old paragliding instructor lost his life in a tragic accident on Wednesday afternoon in the Mandra area of western Thrace, northern Greece.

The man, who was on vacation with his wife and young child, reportedly lost control of his parachute and fell from a significant height.

The cause of the accident is currently under investigation. According to some reports, the instructor was paragliding with a friend who witnessed the fall and immediately called for help. Emergency services arrived at the scene and transported the victim to the hospital in Xanthi, where he was sadly pronounced dead.

The victim, originally from Lesvos, was an experienced paraglider.

State-run broadcaster ERT reported that this is not the first tragedy to strike the family, as two of the victim’s siblings had previously died in road accidents.

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