Papastergiou: AI is an opportunity that must not be lost -

Papastergiou: AI is an opportunity that must not be lost

Minister of Digital Governance Dimitris Papastergiou
Minister of Digital Governance Dimitris Papastergiou / Photo Credit: Intimenews -Sarelas Dimitris

Greece and Europe are faced with a major opportunity in the sector of artificial intelligence, Minister of Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou, said on Thursday in a conference on Artificial Intelligence, held at the "Stavros Niarchos" Foundation.

"Artificial intelligence does not only concern universities and research centers, it is something that concerns everyone. It is a huge opportunity for finding information, data and producing services and products that are useful for everyone," the minister explained.


He also referred to the digital assistant, mAIgov "which continues to provide daily information in various languages ​- officially in 25 and unofficially in about 100 languages ​​- about procedures of the Greek State and continues to answer 5,000 questions every day."

Papastergiou emphasized that in artificial intelligence "we first need data (we are currently digitizing 1.8 billion documents in the Land Registry, in the health, justice, urban planning, etc.) secondly, infrastructures, such as DAIDALOS the national our supercomputer for which all the relevant processes run, third is the talent we need to have or acquire or develop in order to turn data and computing power into something useful.

We also want energy to see how we are going to power the data centers and we also want broadband infrastructure - the rates we are developing are very good."

He also pointed out the necessity of open data in order "to draw conclusions and produce a result, to analyze them, to find solutions."

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