New Treasury bills to be auctioned -

New Treasury bills to be auctioned

Οθόνη με πτωτικούς δείκτες
Φωτογραφία αρχείου: Shutterstock

Greece’s Public Debt Management Agency has announced plans to auction 52-week Treasury Bills beginning June 5.

The settlement date is scheduled for Friday, June 7.

Together with the auction, the Greek State offers individuals the opportunity to purchase securities through public subscription at any bank or brokerage firm, with a maximum nominal value of 15,000 euros per person.

The issuance price will be the cut-off price of the last accepted bid in the auction.

The total amount of securities allocated through this process will be announced following the completion of the public subscription.

The subscription period is set to begin, June 4, running through June 6.

Supplementary non-competitive bids will not be accepted after that date, officials have said.

No commission will be charged for the Treasury Bills.

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