New Attiki Odos concession must reduce tolls to 2.50 euros, from 2.80, minister says -

New Attiki Odos concession must reduce tolls to 2.50 euros, from 2.80, minister says

Η αττική οδός τη νύχτα
Αττική οδός / Φωτογραφία: SHUTTERSTOCK

The tender for the new 25-year concession of the Attiki Odos road will include the reduction of tolls for car drivers to 2.5 euros, from the current 2.80 euros, Infastructure & Transport Minister Kostas Karamanlis said on Friday.

Specifically, the minister said, "As of today, the tendering for the new 25-year concession agreement for the Attiki Odos is in its second phase. Following the final decision of the Ministry of Infastructure & Transport, binding offers of interested parties must be submitted after taking into account toll charges of 2.50 euros per transit, while under the current concession that runs out in October 2024, tolls are 2.80 euros. The government's decision to reduce tolls on Attiki Odos in the new concession not only incorporates it in a wider effort to manage the cost of living, it also ends a cycle of unrealistic views on staggered tolls without transportation report."

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