Near Miss: Flight from Heraklion Aborts Landing in Athens -

Near Miss: Flight from Heraklion Aborts Landing in Athens

Θυελλώδεις άνεμοι ανάγκασαν αεροπλάνο να επιστρέψει στην Αθήνα από τα Χανιά
Φωτογραφία: Shutterstock

Passengers on a flight from Heraklion to Athens experienced a fright during their arrival at Eleftherios Venizelos Airport when the pilot abruptly aborted the landing at the last moment.

According to reports, the aircraft was just seconds from touchdown when it suddenly ascended again, circling for a few minutes before finally landing safely.

The pilot reportedly explained to passengers that the maneuver was necessary due to another aircraft obstructing the runway.

Despite the alarming incident, there were no injuries, and all passengers disembarked without further issues.

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