Near collision averted on Athens train line -

Near collision averted on Athens train line

Suburban railway
Suburban railway / EUROKINISSI

A near collision between two trains was narrowly avoided on Friday in the northwest Athens district of Aghii Anargyri.

The incident was caused by human error, similar to the tragic Tempi rail disaster that occurred in February 2023.

A traffic director at Acharnes railway station mistakenly sent two trains onto the same track, heading towards each other at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Luckily, the train engineers in both locomotives noticed the error and took immediate action to prevent a collision. One engineer stopped their train completely, averting a potential disaster.

The traffic director has been suspended, and an investigation is underway. A prosecutor has ordered a preliminary inquiry into the incident, and police are collecting evidence.

The near collision has raised serious concerns about the safety of Greece's railway system. It is a stark reminder of the importance of preventing such incidents and ensuring the safety of passengers.

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