Mother accused of murdering her child led back to jail following testimony -

Mother accused of murdering her child led back to jail following testimony

Roula Pispirigou
Ρούλα Πισπιρίγκου

A 33-year-old woman charged with premeditated murder of one of her three daughters was led back to jail on Monday after testifying for over four hours before court officials in Athens.

The woman has denied the charge and maintained that the powerful anesthetic that caused her 9-year-old daughter's death (ketamine) was a hospital mistake. The hospital has said the ketamine was not prescribed for the child, Georgina, who died on January 29.

The mother of three children was arrested in the area of Patras on March 30. Georgina's death was preceded by that of her sisters, Iris (6 months old, 2021) and Malina (3.5 years old, 2019).

Following the woman's testimony, an Athens investigating magistrate and a prosecutor decided she should be held pending trial, as she is considered dangerous and could commit new crimes.

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