PM Mitsotakis meets with AI company leaders in Paris -

PM Mitsotakis meets with AI company leaders in Paris

PM Mitsotakis meets with AI company leaders in Paris
Credits: Dimitris Papamitsos

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met with Nobel laureate, co-founder, and CEO of DeepMind Demis Hassabis on the sidelines of the AI Action Summit. DeepMind, a Google-owned company, develops artificial intelligence applications.

During the meeting, they discussed developments in the field of AI and the evolution of the technology.

Mitsotakis stressed the need for an ethical and safety framework for the use of AI, which will protect users but will not restrict the development of innovation and technology. They also discussed the potential for collaboration between DeepMind and the AI ecosystem in Greece. In this context, the possibility of Hassabis visiting Athens in the coming months was discussed.

Mitsotakis also met with OpenAI's International Relations Manager Chris Lehane. On the agenda was the development of AI and its applications in government services to citizens, as well as the prospects for the development of AI applications and large language models (LLMs) in Europe.

They also exchange views on the development of data centre technology, with an emphasis on their energy needs.

PM also met with President and CEO of Ericsson Börje Ekholm to discuss the progress and evolution of digital communication and telecommunication applications. They also discussed the increasing importance of connectivity, as more and more devices and applications will use mobile communication networks in the future.

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