Mitsotakis: Greece is turning into an energy hub in the region -

Mitsotakis: Greece is turning into an energy hub in the region

Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης
Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης © ΓτΠ ΠΑΠΑΜΗΤΣΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ

"Greece's energy adequacy is fully guaranteed and gas supplies will be made in such a way so as not to violate the EU sanctions on Russia," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Friday after a cabinet meeting.

Mitsotakis announced that a new national support programme to counter the energy price spike will be announced soon. He also stressed that Greece is quickly and methodically transformed into an energy hub of the region.

The prime minister made a special reference to the "imported price spike" which, as he said, besieges households and businesses, noting that the new national support programme will be announced soon. He stressed that income support is a key priority and referred to the increase in the minimum wage as of Monday, which sends the message that "the state stands by our low-wage citizens" as "a fair way to distribute the growth dividend to all our fellow citizens."

Acknowledging that the measures do not cover all the increases, he stressed that "at the national level, however, we are building our own embankments". Specifically, he said: "We feel, we try, we act: these are three verbs that must dominate our daily lives."

"I therefore close this brief reference to current affairs with the assurance that the government will stand by every citizen for as long as it takes. Without ever hiding the obstacles of the times, always speaking the language of truth, and doing our best to support the society," he underlined.

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