Mitsotakis: All factors point to a good tourism season in 2022 -

Mitsotakis: All factors point to a good tourism season in 2022

Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης και Βασίλης Κικίλιας συνάντηση
Photo crediti: EUROKINISSI

With tourism traffic in the first 20 days of April faring extremely well, "all indications point to the fact that this will be a good year for Greece's tourism industry," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said during a visit to the tourism ministry on Wednesday.

He also pointed out that the summer 2022 will be the first one without public health restrictions after the breakout of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

"We hope that the long summer of 2022 will be especially profitable for businesses and also for tourism industry workers," he noted. He also underlined that the target is to "have as good a tourism season as is possible, and to see it extending throughout the rest of the year, beyond the summer months."

The premier also praised the ministry's leadership for what he called "the excellent work over the last few months."

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