Mitsotakis calls urgent talks -

Mitsotakis calls urgent talks

Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis
Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis / Photo Credit -Dimitris-Papamitsos

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has called an emergency meeting Tuesday to address major fluctuations in wholesale electricity prices.

The move comes as the government seeks to curb a dramatic surge that has seen the price per megawatt-hour skyrocket by 200% within a single week.

The emergency meeting will take place at 10:00 AM at the Maximos Mansion, where Mitsotakis will meet with the political leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

The agenda will focus on identifying and addressing the discrepancies in wholesale electricity prices. During the session, the government will consider a series of measures to stabilize prices, including potential taxation of excessive profits.

Following this, the Prime Minister will preside over the regular session of the Governmental Council for National Security at 10:30 AM, also at the Maximos Mansion.

Later in the day, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will give an interview on SKAI TV’s main news bulletin, speaking with journalist Sia Kosioni to discuss the government's approach to these pressing energy issues.

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