Migrants arrive in Gavdos and Sfakia - iefimerida.gr

Migrants arrive in Gavdos and Sfakia

Σκάφος του Λιμενικού
Φωτογραφία: Λιμενικό

Two boats with a total of about 50 migrants arrived in Sfakia and Gavdos on Monday afternoon.

One of the boats was carrying 20 migrants who arrived and disembarked at Plakaki beach, near Chora, Sfakia. They are all adults who are to be forwarded to Athens.

The second boat was carrying 30 migrants who, according to the mayor of Gavdos Lillian Stefanaki, landed in the wider area of Faros "in a rocky spot that is difficult to reach". They were driven to the Harbour Management Organisation of Chania to spend the night, where they will be given food. They will be taken by ferry to Sfakia and then to Chania on Tuesday.

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