Microsoft Hellas to offer skills upgrade program via OAED employment agency -

Microsoft Hellas to offer skills upgrade program via OAED employment agency

oaed sima
Το σήμερα του ΟΑΕΔ/ Φωτογραφία αρχείου:EUROKINISSI / ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΚΟΝΤΑΡΙΝΗΣ

Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) and Microsoft Hellas signed a memorandum of cooperation on digital skills development in Athens on Monday.

The agreement was signed in the presence of Labor & Social Affairs Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, and concerns free distance training of some 1,000 unemployed adults aged 18-45 via the Microsoft Skills Academy digital platform. Applicants who are IT graduates will given priority for the 8-week long courses, it was noted in a Microsoft announcement, with artificial intelligence fundamentals and security being among the training subjects.

This collaboration was pursued in the context of Microsoft's "GR For Growth" program, and "aims to upgrade human resources' skills in cutting-edge technologies, and to effectively address the digital divide in the labor market today," the company added.

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