Mati Wildfire Memorial: Emotional Tribute Marks 6th Anniversary, Calls for Justice Continue -

Mati Wildfire Memorial: Emotional Tribute Marks 6th Anniversary, Calls for Justice Continue

Μάτι: 104 φαναράκια στη θάλασσα στη μνήμη των ανθρώπων που κάηκαν
Μάτι: 104 φαναράκια στη θάλασσα, στη μνήμη των ανθρώπων που κάηκαν / Φωτογραφία: Intimenews/ΛΙΑΚΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

Six years after the devastating wildfire that ravaged Mati, claiming the lives of 104 people, memorial services were held to honour the lives of 104 people who perished in the freak blaze.

The main memorial service took place at the Nautical Athletic Club of Mati, where family members, friends, and community members gathered to pay their respects.


In a moving tribute, relatives and friends walked to the sea at Argira Akti, releasing 104 floating lanterns and flowers into the water.

White balloons were also released in memory of 11 children who perished in the fire.

During the memorial, a relative of one of the victims delivered a heartrending speech, stressing the unimaginable pain and suffering experienced by those who died and the importance of recognizing the trauma of survivors.

She stressed the need for the truth to be known and shared, both within Greece and across Europe.

Minister of State Makis Voridis attended the memorial on behalf of the country’s leader, expressing condolences and respect for the victims and their families.

Families of the victims are still seeking justice and accountability for the events that led to the devastating fire, while survivors grapple with the physical and emotional scars left behind.

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