Marios Salmas expelled from New Democracy -

Marios Salmas expelled from New Democracy

Μάριος Σαλμάς / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi

The expulsion of MP for Aitoloakarnania Marios Salmas from ruling New Democracy's Parliamentary Group was officially announced in Parliament on Monday, in a letter from ND President and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to Parliament President Constantine Tasoulas.

Salmas had made a statement to the press earlier on Monday after a very brief appearance before ruling ND's Ethics Committee. According to sources, the interview lasted no more than five minutes and, as government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis later informed the press, the committee decided to expel him from the party.

In his statement, Salmas disputed the grounds for his expulsion as unfair, linking it to his criticism in Parliament of ministerial and government actions, while noting that it was the constitutional right of MPs to check ministers, not a reason for expulsion.

When asked whether he would give up his seat in Parliament, he replied: "Do you think I should abandon the fight for the many?"

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