Marinakis on the Tempi rail tragedy anniversary: Justice, truth, and accountability -

Marinakis on the Tempi rail tragedy anniversary: Justice, truth, and accountability

Pavlos Marinakis
Pavlos Marinakis /Credits: Eurokinissi

The government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis said in a television interview with SKAI TV that the rallies held throughout Greece and abroad to mark two years since the rail tragedy in Tempi were magnificent.

He stressed that all Greeks were sending a message: “And it is a message that we must all receive: Justice, truth, never again, and punishment of the guilty, as justice will decide.” Marinakis emphasised that there are responsibilities and added that the conclusion of the Hellenic Aviation and Railway Safety Investigation Agency (HARSIA) report is clear—that until that day, there were tragic mistakes, failures, pathologies, and omissions by the state apparatus. As Marinakis stated, these met with fatal and significant human errors.

“This is a discussion on the part of human errors and criminal responsibility of anyone; this will be decided by the judiciary,” he said, adding, “All I can say, representing the government, is that the government will not stand in the way of anything the judiciary decides regarding the investigation of responsibility.”

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