Gov't spokesperson Marinakis: 'Never again' must become policy for safe railways -

Gov't spokesperson Marinakis: 'Never again' must become policy for safe railways

Pavlos Marinakis
Pavlos Marinakis /Credits: Eurokinissi

Government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis, in a statement following rallies across Greece for the second anniversary of the Tempi train accident, emphasized the state’s obligation to turn the demand "never again" into policies for safe railways.

Marinakis stressed that the participation in the rallies was massive and peaceful. He also condemned what he called "morbid minorities" who, after the rallies in Athens and Thessaloniki, attempted "to tarnish a day of mourning that unites all Greeks."

He added that the Hellenic Police responded calmly and professionally, repelling attacks and preventing further escalation.

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