Lytras poised to request prison release -

Lytras poised to request prison release

Ο Απόστολος Λύτρας στο περιπολικό μεταφέρεται στις φυλακές
Ο Απόστολος Λύτρας μεταφέρεται με περιπολικό στις φυλακές / Φωτογραφία: Intimenews/ΛΙΑΚΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

Apostolos Lytras, the 52-year-old lawyer currently held in Greece’s maximum security prison on charges of assaulting his wife, is preparing for his next legal moves, sources close to the alleged assailant say.

They say Lytras is expected to file a request for release in the coming days with the Athens Misdemeanour Court Council. Suchh a motion, though, can only be made ten days after Lytras’ initial detention in connection with the assault case involving his ex-wife.

During a recent prison visit, Mr. Lytras’ ex-wife and their two daughters were seen at the entrance of Korydallos Prison.

They carried a black suitcase containing personal items requested by the attorney.

The visit lasted approximately five minutes, as reported by the T-Live television programme.

According to the same source, mr. Lytras has also requested books to read during his time in custody.

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