Life Threats Target Top Greek Judges Over Tempe Train Tragedy Investigation -

Life Threats Target Top Greek Judges Over Tempe Train Tragedy Investigation

Άρειος Πάγος
Credits: Eurokinissi

Senior Greek Justice Officials Receive Death Threats Over Tempe Investigation Senior judicial officials in Greece have received death threats amid their involvement in the ongoing investigation into the Tempe train tragedy.

The threats come as the Supreme Court prosecutor ordered an urgent investigation yesterday into online posts calling for the "cyberbullying" of Sotiris Bakaimis, the investigating judge in Larissa overseeing the Tempe case.
The Tempe tragedy, involving a head-on collision between a passenger train and a freight train, has sparked widespread public outrage and demands for accountability.

The investigation has been closely watched, with authorities under pressure to deliver justice for the victims and their families. The threats highlight the escalating tensions surrounding the case. Greek judicial officials have condemned the intimidation attempts, emphasizing the importance of protecting the independence and safety of those involved in the investigation.

Authorities are now working to trace the source of the threats, while the judicial system remains focused on uncovering the truth behind the Tempe disaster.

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