KKE leader visits farmers' blockades, says their 'struggle is just' - iefimerida.gr

KKE leader visits farmers' blockades, says their 'struggle is just'

Δημήτρης Κουτσούμπας
Δημήτρης Κουτσούμπας / Φωτογραφία: EUROKINISSI

Communist Party of Greece (KKE) General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas visited road blocks set up by protesting farmers on Thursday morning. At the Atalanti blockade, he made the following statement:

"The farmers' struggle is just. Here in Atalanti, in Fthiotida ... we support the just demands of the farmers. With their struggle, they have succeeded in boxing in the government, which went from lies and slander and repression, at first, to joke-measures that don't solve the farmers' just demands."

He pledged that KKE will fight this in Paliament and in the European Parliament but also on the streets, "because real opposition is the organised struggle of the farmers, the organised struggle of workers, students and those together because they have common interests."

He noted that Greek workers, small business owners and their families wanted cheap and good quality food that Greek farmers were able to provide, but not at current production costs and rock-bottom prices, without any protection from natural disasters.

Koutsoumbas had previously visited Kastro in Viotia and will later visit farmers at Anthili in Fthiotida, Almyro in Magnesia, at Stefanovikio in Magnesia, Platykambos in Larisa, Zarko in Trikala and Kombos E65 in Karditsa.

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