KINAL calls for serious investments in energy networks and storage terminals -

KINAL calls for serious investments in energy networks and storage terminals


A fair green transition calls for serious investments in energy networks and storage terminals, PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) member responsible for energy Haris Doukas said on Tuesday.

Commenting on Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' visit to Revythoussa natural gas terminal off Attica, Doukas said "we are happy the prime minister paid a visit to a PASOK project - Revythoussa - which is now keeping the country going" in terms of energy. "However," he added, "we are wondering what his own government will leave behind. For the moment, what the government sees as a so-called imported [energy] crisis has made Greece the leading European country in energy prices."

Doukas said that the government's incompetence and lack of political will has made households and businesses suffer. Instead, he added, KINAL's proposal should be reintroduced for "a ceiling to the adjustment clause on energy retail prices, taxation of surplus profits in energy businesses, and a reduction of VAT on basic goods."

"There is no fair green transition without serious investment in networks and storage terminals," he stressed.

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