Progressive citizens "cannot possibly remain passive before far-right hate rhetoric," SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said on social media on Wednesday.
Kasselakis expressed appreciation for supporters over homophobic statements directed at him by prominent lawyer Alexis Kougias. The statements prompted the Supreme Court to ask for an investigation into whether Kougias violated the antiracism law.
"The time has come for the Middle Ages represented by people like Kougias in this country to be condemned by Greek justice as well. The time has come for the person linking the LGBTQ+ community with the word 'junta' to receive a response," the main opposition leader said. He added however that "it is not a personal bet. It is society's need that the hope of an inclusive world wins against bigotry."
In his social media post, Kasselakis called on "progressive lawyers who want to prosecute Mr. Kougias in criminal and civil suits" to send him a message at his private accounts or at and "go together to justice in order to defeat hate." Any compensation won at court, he said, he would give to homes for battered women "since the 'manliness' of the perpetrator was the cause of this case."