July 2024, the warmest since 2010 in northern, western Greece and the Ionian Sea - iefimerida.gr

July 2024, the warmest since 2010 in northern, western Greece and the Ionian Sea

Καύσωνας διαρκείας
Καύσωνας διαρκείας

July 2024 was the warmest July since 2010 in northern and western Greece and the Ionian Sea, according to the meteo.gr network of 53 weather stations of the National Observatory of Athens (EAA) that have been operating continuously since 2010 until today.

In particular, in the specific regions the average monthly values ranged up to +3.4°C above the normal levels for the season. Also, in northern and western Greece average values for the month were almost 1-2°C above the second warmest July last year.


With the exception of Crete, where this year's July was recorded as the third warmest July, in the rest of the geographical regions it was recorded as the second warmest July since 2010, with July 2023 maintaining the "first place".

It is noted that at the network's automatic meteorological station in Gavalou, Etoloakarnania, an average maximum temperature of 38.7°C was recorded in July 2024, while for 14 consecutive days the maximum temperature was equal to or greater than 40°C.

In addition to the many consecutive days with positive deviations, important absolute maximum temperature records were broken at several stations of the network of automatic weather stations of the National Observatory of Athens / meteo.gr.

In Athens, the average monthly deviation value of the maximum temperature was +2.0°C, with 27 of the 31 days of the month being warmer than normal levels for the season. In Thessaloniki, 26 days of the month were warmer than the average value of the period 2010-2019, where the average maximum temperature of the month fluctuated +2.5°C above normal levels. Overall, at 90% of the 49 stations 26 days (at least) out of the 31st of the month were warmer than normal.

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