Journalist charged with domestic threat and sentenced to payable sentence of 12 months in jail -

Journalist charged with domestic threat and sentenced to payable sentence of 12 months in jail


A journalist charged with serial domestic threat against his partner, a female journalist, was sentenced to 12 months in jail, commuted to a fine of 10 euros per day.

At the same time, a prosecutor is looking into more serious felonies his partner accused him of.

The court also imposed a restraining order, including physical presence and any kind of communication with his partner, until the final decision on the case.

Both his partner and his separated spouse testified at court. The former said they had argued over photographs sent by his separated wife with their children, and when she told him she wanted to separate from him, he slapped her and pushed her, injuring her. He then threatened her, staked out her house, and called her 80 times in a few hours. His separated wife said that he had gone to her house to see their children and threatened to kill her if she took away his children, although she thought it was said in anger and did not feel threatened.

The man said he was being persecuted, and in 25 years as a journalist had not been accused of anything.

The prosecutor proposed that he be found guilty because both women, in his opinion, "were terrified and worried."

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