Iranian Man Assaulted by Greek Roommate in Agios Panteleimonas -

Iranian Man Assaulted by Greek Roommate in Agios Panteleimonas

Agios Panteleimonas Police Station
Agios Panteleimonas Police Station /Credits: Eurokinissi

A 43-year-old Iranian man was physically assaulted by his Greek roommate outside the Agios Panteleimonas Police Station in Athens.

The victim reported being struck in the face with a sharp object.

This incident comes amid growing concerns over a rise in attacks against migrants in Greece.

Reports of violence, harassment, and discrimination targeting migrant communities have become increasingly prevalent in recent years.

The recent assault highlights the ongoing challenges faced by migrants in Greece and the urgent need for measures to address these issues. Authorities are currently investigating the incident to ascertain the exact circumstances and motive behind the attack.

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