International Students Immerse in Greek Culture Through Traditional Costumes -

International Students Immerse in Greek Culture Through Traditional Costumes

Photo: APE-MPE

International students participating in a summer program on Greek language and culture had a unique opportunity to experience the country's heritage firsthand by wearing traditional costumes from various regions.

The students, hailing from seven different countries, were hosted by the Kalampaki Cultural Association in Drama. After a presentation on the history and significance of each costume, the students were able to choose and wear outfits from different parts of Greece.

The event was a joyous celebration of cultural exchange, with participants forming a dance circle and sharing their experiences. Athanasia Theodoridou, president of the Kalampaki Cultural Association, emphasised the importance of such encounters in promoting understanding and connection between different cultures.

This immersive experience allowed students to gain a deeper appreciation for the history and craftsmanship behind traditional Greek costumes, going beyond their aesthetic appeal. It was a unique way for the students to feel the weight of history and cultural heritage through the clothes worn by generations before them.

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