Imprisoned Greek MEP Fredis Beleri Could Be Released Soon -

Imprisoned Greek MEP Fredis Beleri Could Be Released Soon

Ο Φρέντης Μπελέρης
Φρέντης Μπελέρης

Fredis Beleri, the elected Greek Member of the European Parliament representing Himara, is inching closer to freedom after spending months in an Albanian prison.

Mr. Beleri was convicted of active bribery and sentenced to two years in prison by an Albanian court. However, he has now served more than two-thirds of his sentence, making him eligible for early release.

According to reports from the television station OPEN, Mr. Beleri is expected to appear before an Albanian court in the near future, where his request for release, which was submitted last July, will be reconsidered.

Sources suggest that the chances of his release are favorable due to the significant portion of his sentence already served.

The court had initially begun reviewing his request on July 31st but postponed the proceedings for unspecified reasons. This delay has caused frustration among Mr. Beleri's supporters, who have been advocating for his release since his imprisonment.

Beleri's case has garnered significant attention in both Greece and Albania, highlighting the complex political and diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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