Illegal camping stokes concerns in Evia -

Illegal camping stokes concerns in Evia

Illegal camping stokes concerns in Evia
Illegal camping stokes concerns in Evia

A surge in free camping over the long weekend has raised concern among residents and local authorities in Evia.

Nestled in the municipality of Kimi Aliveri, Thapsas Beach, has become the centre of controversy after a photograph went viral on social media, showing it swamped with tents, prompting some commentators to label it an “anarchic invasion.”

The campers’ disregard for public space and existing laws has drawn sharp criticism from the community.

Local environmental organisations, including Evima, have expressed their dismay at what they describe as an «unprecedented lack of respect».

Residents are outraged at the beach’s transformation into a campground. And concerns have mounted about public health risks issues linked to overcrowding.

Accessing the picturesque beach, in the municipal unit of Kym, was until recently a challenge. But road works this past year have made Thapsa accessible, leading to the upsurge in campers.

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