Iconic Temple of Poseidon Gets a New Lighting System - iefimerida.gr

Iconic Temple of Poseidon Gets a New Lighting System

Iconic Temple of Poseidon Gets a New Lighting System
Iconic Temple of Poseidon Gets a New Lighting System

The Temple of Poseidon, a renowned Classical-era landmark perched on Cape Sounion in Greece, was illuminated with a new lighting system late Monday.

First fully illuminated in 2004 during the Athens Olympic Games, the temple is now receiving a major upgrade funded by Metlen Energy & Metals, led by Evangelos Mytilineos.

The multinational company undertook both the study and implementation of the project, aiming to enhance the visitor experience and reinforce Sounion's global cultural significance.

The new lighting system, designed by Eleftheria Deko, is intended to highlight the archaeological and architectural importance of the monument in a unique way.

Every component of the installation, including the fixtures, has been carefully placed to ensure that the daytime visual experience remains unaffected.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni inaugurated the new lighting system.

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