Hydra Fire: Yacht Captain Admits to Launching Fireworks That Sparked Blaze - iefimerida.gr

Hydra Fire: Yacht Captain Admits to Launching Fireworks That Sparked Blaze

Fire burned the pine forest of Hydra
Fire burned the pine forest of Hydra / facebook

A crew member aboard the luxury yacht linked to the June wildfire on Hydra has confessed to launching fireworks that ignited the blaze.

The captain of the yacht, currently in pretrial detention, admitted during interrogation that while most fireworks landed in the sea, one went astray, sparking the fire.

His confession contradicts previous denials by both the crew and the oligarchs on board the yacht, who initially denied launching any fireworks despite remnants being found on the shore.

Further investigation has revealed lapses in the initial response to the incident.

The Galata Fire Service, responsible for the area, failed to adequately address the fire. Additionally, documents indicate that the Hydra Port Authority was notified of the yacht's involvement, but no action was taken to detain or search the vessel.

The chief fire officer later questioned the ten Kazakh oligarchs who were passengers on the yacht, but released them after a verbal examination, allowing them to leave on a private flight before informing the prosecutor.

The revelations have cast doubt on the initial handling of the incident and the roles of the authorities involved, potentially leading to further scrutiny and consequences.

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