HRADF declares GEK Terna as preferred investor in tender for Attica Motorway -

HRADF declares GEK Terna as preferred investor in tender for Attica Motorway

Αττική Οδός
Η Αττική Οδός

The Board of Directors of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), a member company of GrowthFund-the National Fund of Greece, on Thursday declared GEK Terna SA as the preferred Investor, with a financial offer of 3,270,000,000 euros, in the tender process for the award of a services concession agreement in relation to the financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of Attica Motorway for a period of 25 years.

HRADF also announced that the consortium of Vinci Highways SAS-Vinci Concessions SAS-Mytilineos SA-Mobility Partner SAS as substitute preferred Investor, having submitted a financial offer of 3,106,000,000 euros.

Henceforth, the tender process will continue in accordance with the terms included in the tender documents, HRADF said.

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