House of Mosaics in Sparta showcase Roman mosaics of Europa and Orpheus -

House of Mosaics in Sparta showcase Roman mosaics of Europa and Orpheus

 Εγκαίνια της Οικίας των Ψηφιδωτών στη Σπάρτη
Εγκαίνια της Οικίας των Ψηφιδωτών στη Σπάρτη

A museum of two rare Roman floor mosaics in Sparta will have its official inauguration on November 21, a year after the modern buildings housing the mosaics opened to the public.

The House of Mosaics in Sparta was a project of former minister Ioannis Varvitsiotis, who will attend the event, with exclusive funding by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (totalling 331,000 euros) and the support of the Ministry of Culture. In addition, the A.G. Leventis Foundation provided the funding for the study preceding the licensing of the project.

"The Rape of Europa" (2.06 by 2.00 meters) and "Orpheus Charming the Animals" (1.40 by 1.13 meters), dated between the end of the 3rd century AD and the start of the 4th century AD, were discovered accidentally in 1872 and 1890 on private property - one in the garden and the other in a wine storage space. The property was bought by the state and a shelter erected over them, after which the mosaics fell to obscurity.

Twenty years ago, Varvitsiotis (also father of a current minister) came across them and dedicated his efforts toward exhibiting them to the public. Two small buildings now each house a mosaic, and visitors are able to visit the complex for free. Since it first opened to the public in May 2021, the House of Mosaics has received 8,000 visitors.

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